Your setup doesn’t really work for me. Can you point me to other sites similar to yours?

Cowork Crowd is a platform set up just for women. We have no experience with their platform, but we did see them on AppSumo*.

Flow.Club* is a platform for everyone, and there are up to nine people per flow session. The monthly rate is $40, and you can get 50% off that rate by becoming a host. This is the platform Faydra used most before starting Focus Pocus.

FocusMate* is a platform where you partner with just one other person for your focus session. FocusMate requires you to keep your camera on at all times and to be viewable to the other person on the session at all times. Their monthly rate is $9.99. Faydra has used FocusMate and found it easy to use, but she wanted her own site to have more control over the focus sessions.

We will add other sites as we discover them. If you know of other sites, please use our contact form to tell us about them.

Why would we share other sites with you? Body-doubling is a valuable tool in your arsenal to be more productive and put away procrastination. If you’re not doing it with Focus Pocus, we want you to do it somewhere that works for you! If you’d like to support us, then please click the links we share, because several of them are referral links.

* These are referral links.